506 60TH street, Brooklyn, NY 11220   -   (718) 439-9055
* Established 1979 * Learn to Drive from the Professionals

Sunset Auto School  ©   All Rights Reserved

Sunset Auto School


All of our instructors are certified, experienced and responsible. They will introduce you to the joy of driving and the responsibilities that go along with it.
They teach the Smith System:
 1. Aim High In Steering
 2. Get The Big Picture
 3. Keep Your Eyes Moving
 4. Leave Yourself An Out
 5. Make Sure They See You
You will also learn from them the proper methods and techniques that will help you become a responsible, defensive, and low-risk driver.
They treat each student as an individual, understanding their needs and capabilities. They plan each lesson and inform the student in advance what to expect during their lesson.
Your satisfaction is important to them and to us.
If you are satisfied with our services, please recommend us to others. We appreciate your good word and look forward to making new friends.

Sunset Auto School